About The Project
"Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica" — Jim Halpert
The Office is a documentary-style television comedy that is hugely popular in the US. Set in the city of Scranton, PA, it follows the working lives of a diverse and often eccentric set of characters.
The purpose of this analysis is to determine what made for the most popular seasons and episodes, as well as take a closer look at the dialogue to determine if there are any common patterns found across the episodes and major characters.
The datasets for this project were found on Kaggle:
"An office is a place where dreams come true." — Michael Scott
While popular through most of its run, some seasons and episodes resonated more with audiences than others. Which episodes have the highest user ratings?
Dialogue between characters is important in any television show. Which characters have the most dialogue and does it change with individual seasons?
Just as important as dialogue, sentiment can set the mood of a show. Which characters tend to be more positive and which more negative? Does this change over time?
Word Clouds
Words and phrases can become familiar over time and even become associated with specific characters. After analyzing the dialogue of The Office, are there any words that are iconic to specific characters?